03 de August, 2021

At the FEN we continue with our pledge to combat climate change

With unusually high temperatures for this time of year and a serious rainfall deficit, our country is experiencing the warmest winter and the second driest in history for Santiago. The root of this anomalous situation: climate change.

The serious crisis we are facing is reflected in accelerated climatic alterations, worldwide shifts in weather patterns, which would not naturally occur. The increase in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions derived from human activities, the exponential increase in population and the destruction of ecosystems has led to an increase in global warming, which has left us with heat peaks of almost 30 ° C in the middle of winter and with a far from encouraging scenario.

At the FEN, for some years now, we have been working on different guidelines to contribute to fighting this challenge that has no borders and that requires urgent and rapid action. Thusly, since 2016, we have been quantifying our GHG emissions, which will allow us to now carry out a plan towards Carbon Neutrality, where we will involve the entire educational community.

Following the same line, we have carried out educational campaigns to engage all members of the FEN and create awareness on the role that each of us play in reducing these harmful gases, encouraging a transition towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Collaborative work and networking have also been used to share experiences and carry out sectoral actions, with involvement from entities such as Business Leaders for Climate Action CLG-Chile, who have actively participated in the analysis and collaboration of public policy development. Likewise, we are an active part of the Sustainable Campus Network, an association of higher education institutions that seeks to incorporate sustainability and convene HEIs for Climate Action.

Our faculty, in its pledge to reduce GHG emissions, is assessing the implementation of different projects around the promotion of sustainable transportation, the use of non-conventional renewable energy, minimize waste generation, while continuously educating our university community to achieve conscious consumption.

Every day actions continue to be added incorporating this issue in the training of our professionals through, for example, learning methodologies analyzing  cases of origin and climate change impacts, research associated with the subject, related, or directed courses, among others. We believe it is essential to move towards climate actions based on diagnosis and real projects that can be carried out, in addition to continuing and strengthening our purpose of being a Sustainable Campus.

Because we seek to be actors of positive environmental changes, we call on the FEN community to carry out transformative actions for the reduction and limitation of gas emissions, through the use of renewable energies, human based or public-shared transportation; adapt to reduce vulnerabilities such as reforestation, maximize water reuse, eliminate landscape crops, among many other actions. And of course, start with us and our closest environment.

Let's be the change we want for the planet, help us achieve this great cause!